Sjećanje – Moments to rememeber


Ne znam da li vi, ja svakog prosinca krenem na putovanje. Obučem najudobnje čizme i zaputim se u potragu za božićnim i novogodišnjim čestitkama. Zavirujem u lokalne knjižare, pregledam štandove po gradu, prepustim se srcu da me vodi. Upijam boje, mirise, dodirujem papir, razmišljam o ilustratoru, čitam poruku, hranim se, grijem se.

Kad ih odaberem prepustim ih da neko vrijeme odstoje, da se uzbuđenje slegne sve dok ne dođe trenutak da one krenu na putovanje. Jedne putuju bliže, druge u europsko susjedstvo, treće prelaze kontinente.

Jutros prebirem po kolekciji ovogodišnjih čestitki kupljeni prije koji dan. Razmišljam o osobama kojima su namijenjene. Gledam ih, slušam kome žele otputovati. U tom ritualu na pod je skliznula čestitka koju sam ja dobila. Tekst me prenio u drugo vrijeme. Srce je jače zakucalo.

A friend…

is one who knows you as you are,

understands where you’ve been,

and where you hope to go –

accepts all, and encourages you to grow.

Thank you for being my friend.

Odrastala sam u vrijeme kad se Božić slavio tiho. Sjećam se svečano postavljenog stola, veselih ljudi, bakinih voštanih svijeća što ih je pravila od voska iz vlastite košnice. Nakon što je umrla saznala sam da je košnicu donijela kao vjenčani poklon. Predivna baka Marta s najmekšim rukama na svijetu.

* * * * * * *

Each December I put on my best boots and go on a quest searching Christmas cards. I look into local bookstores; I check local Christmas markets, and I let my heart to lead me. I absorb colours, scents; I touch paper of cards, I think about an illustrator, I read a note, I nourish myself. I feel the warmth.

When I choose them I put them aside; I let emotions settle down until the moment arises when they have to be sent away. Some of them travel locally; others go to neighboring states in Europe, some decide to fly to other continents.

Today is the day the cards decided to go away. As I was going through the pile one fell out of it on the floor. That one was sent to me. I opened it and found a beautiful note. It transported (teleported) me to another dimension. The heart bit stronger.

A friend…

is one who knows you as you are,

understands where you’ve been,

and where you hope to go –

accepts all, and encourages you to grow.

Thank you for being my friend.

When I was growing up, Christmas was celebrated peacefully. I remember the table, my grandmum’s wax candles, smiling people. After her death, I heard that she brought a beehive as a wedding present. My precious grandmother Marta had the softest hands.

Fotografija/Photo: preuzeta s net-a/taken from Internet

© Marijana Mary Mrvoš


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